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Our teachers plan for learning fundamentally on the basis of the students’ interests, and the objectives that respond to the intellectual, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual needs of the community.

They understand the true value of their collaboration with the School and participate with their students in special events outside of school hours.

They create favorable conditions for a harmonious atmosphere of respectful coexistence, equality, freedom and personal safety of each of their students. They ease tensions and fears in their students by seeking their healthy expression and their fruitful production as both individuals and as a group.

They understand their role as a guide and facilitator for learning. They encourage their students’ personal projects and initiatives and help them learn by themselves.

They use various teaching methods while prioritizing the active methodology, which encourages creativity and helps students find meaning in their learning. They motivate students to achieve knowledge.

They are able to identify, handle, and solve the various problems that can arise for students individually or as a group.

They know, respect, and advocate the institution’s educational project. They recognize and respect the authority of its coordinators and directors, and seek to facilitate a climate of dialogue and respect among their colleagues and the other members of the Educational Community through an attitude of discretion and sound judgment. Their role consists of analyzing and understanding their students’ particular needs, interests and objectives, as well as helping them define their personal and group objectives.

With regard to the learning activities and content, they motivate students to assume responsibilities and give them the opportunity to control the workflow and create an atmosphere of security and confidence, through a participative, dynamic and self-directed learning process.

FaLang translation system by Faboba